What is Content Marketing ?

As mentioned in the section "What is SEO?" Already mentioned, there has been a development for a few months, which emphasizes a component which has been firmly integrated into the search engine optimization for a long time under a new name. The term "content marketing" - as the name suggests - means the marketing of your own content, whether texts, videos or images, for the purpose of OffPage optimization on the Internet, in order to get high-quality backlinks.


The trend of content marketing, or the introduction of a new name for a well-known technology from the OffPage optimization, emerged from an emergency situation of many SEOs who had bought or rented links for years. Due to the harsh Google approach to link networks and link buying in recent months and years, many old-established SEOs have lost their main link source. In order to be able to sell the customer a kind of new service, the concept of content marketing has been introduced and this name has established itself ever since.


Even if content marketing is ultimately only a warm-up term for a long-standing process, the importance of good content is essential for the entire search engine optimization. Google as a search engine is nothing other than to provide the users with the best possible search results and therefore the bots also websites with many good content - To this extent, Content Marketing has quite an existence right in modern search engine optimization, even if it is really nothing really new.

What is Content Marketing ? What is Content Marketing ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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