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SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

September 24, 2018

The abbreviation URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and identifies a unique path to a resource within a particular protocol; The http protocol uses URLs to access files and Web sites that reside on a Web server. Within a URL are the domain name, the top-level domain, directories and files.

Topic: SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

It is important when choosing the URL structure that you use so-called "speaking" URLs, that is, path names that tell the user where they are. These might look like this:

The domain name "HiFiPost" and the top-level domain ".tk" should be clear, followed by the category page called "SEO". Within the category directory there are two folders for year and month, after which the file is output.

In this way, you can specify important keywords for the crawler while keeping open your visitors. In doing so, URLs should be as short as possible and as long as necessary.

Topic: SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial

Google usually attaches more trust to websites when the content is already visible in the URL. This is absolutely understandable because the URL is the first thing the crawler gets to see from a new page and the more information it can draw from it, the better.

Topic: SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

WordPress and other content management systems often have no speaking URLs as the default setting. If possible, you should configure this at the beginning of the website design, since internal links and backlinks can be lost if you change the structure later.

SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial. SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial. Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.?

September 24, 2018

 The domain name and the choice of the right top-level domain (eg .de, .com or .info) are very important for search engine optimization. While keywords in the domain name are far from the same as they were a few years ago, a lot can be achieved by the reasonable choice of domain name and TLD, especially because you can communicate the site visitor in this way very easily Website, which topic is treated or in which language your page is written.

Topic: Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.

In particular, so-called "Exact Match Domains" are often selected for niche sites, ie websites that are created solely for the purpose of generating revenue via advertising and affiliate programs, as the operators expect a better chance of higher positions. In principle, it is not bad if targeted keywords such as "buy books" or "clothing online order" appear in the domain name, but these EMDs have hardly any effect on the rankings and a strong fire, a fictitious name for a company or an Organization, is now very important in the field of online marketing.

Topic: Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.

Which domain name you choose ultimately, is left entirely to you, as you should add important keywords in the page structure (later more), than in the domain. Exact match domains are often already configured or parked and no EMDs without backlink profile is worth more than 100 euros.

If you do not find a suitable domain name, simply think about a nice brand name that is as memorable as possible and leads you through this brand linkbuilding - in this way you reach much more than with an Exact Match domain and without link building.

Topic: Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.

The choice of the right top-level domain (TLD), i.e the domain ending, can have a bigger influence on the rankings of a website than the domain name. As a rule, country-specific domains such as .de or .it are better positioned in the respective countries than the same domain names with different endings.

Even if this effect can easily be ironed out by other optimization measures, one should nevertheless choose the right Top Level Domain for a web presence. If the website is for an international company, .com is a good place to start. If the company operates mainly in Europe, you can choose .eu.

Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.? Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

Website SEO Foe Domains and URLs ?

September 24, 2018

Domains & URLs

You now have an overview of the different areas of search engine optimization and know that the OnPage optimization is the first step. A successful SEO campaign starts with choosing the right Domain & URL structure.

If you are involved in projects, for example for customers, you usually already have a Domain & URL that you can not change - but if you want to start a new project or start your own website, you should always take these points into consideration.

Topic: Domains & URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

Even if the domain name, top-level Domain & URL structure no longer have the same influence on the rankings at Google & Co. as it existed a few years ago, a clear orientation is essential, especially in competitive niches To be successful in the long term and to compete against the competition.


Domain name and TLD
SEO-friendly URLs
Website SEO Foe Domains and URLs ? Website SEO Foe Domains and URLs ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

What is Black Hat SEO ?

September 24, 2018

By definition, all of the measures of the so-called "black hat" SEO that violate Google's guidelines, which is why Google is very much on the side with appropriate references to Black Hat SEO. Black Hat SEO is not really a part of the search engine optimization, but a method to worsen the rankings of other websites, mostly competition websites, or to position your own website for as short a time as possible and at the same time to accept that Domain after a few months will no longer be found in the Google index.

Topic: What is Black Hat SEO? - Website SEO Tutorial.

Often, black-hat attacks are targeted at competitive websites and can be successful. As a rule, a large number of bad links are placed on a page - often with the help of fully automated spam bots - in order to reduce the reputation of this website on Google and to give the impression that it is a content-wise site with unwanted / irrelevant Subjects. Black-hat attacks in the form of linkspam are much more likely to occur.

Topic: What is Black Hat SEO? - Website SEO Tutorial.

Since Webmasters and SEOs can not control which pages are accessed from, and which sites are linked to (but do not have spam or other spam sites), Google provides a tool to help you Backlinks to their own page can invalidate: the so-called disavow tool. With the help of this, attacked site operators can notify Google of the links from spam sites so that Google treats these links internally as "nofollow".

Topic: What is Black Hat SEO? - Website SEO Tutorial.

Black Hat SEO can also be used to increase your own rankings, even if this effect is often only a short time and the complete domain is no longer needed . The Google algorithm takes its time to evaluate the sum of bad backlinks as Black Hat SEO, which is why short-term success is quite possible. In the professional field of search engine optimization, for example to optimize customer websites, all Black Hat methods have nothing to look for, since legal problems can also occur: Targeted linkspam attacks are unfair competition and represent a criminal offense.

What is Black Hat SEO ? What is Black Hat SEO ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

What is Content Marketing ?

September 24, 2018

As mentioned in the section "What is SEO?" Already mentioned, there has been a development for a few months, which emphasizes a component which has been firmly integrated into the search engine optimization for a long time under a new name. The term "content marketing" - as the name suggests - means the marketing of your own content, whether texts, videos or images, for the purpose of OffPage optimization on the Internet, in order to get high-quality backlinks.


The trend of content marketing, or the introduction of a new name for a well-known technology from the OffPage optimization, emerged from an emergency situation of many SEOs who had bought or rented links for years. Due to the harsh Google approach to link networks and link buying in recent months and years, many old-established SEOs have lost their main link source. In order to be able to sell the customer a kind of new service, the concept of content marketing has been introduced and this name has established itself ever since.


Even if content marketing is ultimately only a warm-up term for a long-standing process, the importance of good content is essential for the entire search engine optimization. Google as a search engine is nothing other than to provide the users with the best possible search results and therefore the bots also websites with many good content - To this extent, Content Marketing has quite an existence right in modern search engine optimization, even if it is really nothing really new.

What is Content Marketing ? What is Content Marketing ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

What is OffPage SEO ?

September 24, 2018

The optimization according to OffPage criteria deals with all optimization measures that are not correlated directly with the website itself, but are intended to increase the relevance of the page in search engines.

The main component of the OffPage SEO is the creation of high-quality backlinks, i.e links from other websites to the website to be optimized.

Topic: What is OffPage SEO - Website SEO Tutorial.

This process - the active settings of the links - is called link-building and represents the king class of the search engine optimization, because here creativity, communication skill and also a bit of luck belongs to it.

In addition to the link-building, social factors also play a role, in other words, the networking, or the mention of a page in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and so on.

Topic: What is OffPage SEO - Website SEO Tutorial.

Even if, according to the official statement from Google, social signals (social signals) are still being overestimated in 2014, most SEOs assume that the impact of social networks will continue to play an increasingly important role in the future No-one should underestimate the (long-term) impact of social media on the search engine optimization.

The OffPage search engine optimization is addressed in this book after the OnPage optimization, since many OnPage factors , especially content optimization steps, form the basis for a successful linkbuilding and therefore should be worked through first.

In addition, transparent and sustainable link building is not a matter of a few days, but a continuous development that has to be pursued consistently over several months in order to build up a strong backlink profile.

Topic: What is OffPage SEO - Website SEO Tutorial.

SEO tools are especially important for monitoring the backlink structure of a website, ie highly specialized software (often in the form of SaaS solutions), which display errors on the page and provide an overview of the existing backlinks to a website.

While there are free solutions, they often do not offer as much data and capabilities as cost-effective tools. In a later chapter, you'll learn more about SEO tools and get an overview of which tools are suitable for what purpose.

What is OffPage SEO ? What is OffPage SEO ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

What is OnPage SEO ?

September 24, 2018

OnPage Optimization is concerned with all SEO technical aspects that relate to the content or the underlying technology and programming of the website to be optimized.

Both content structures and text design play a role, as well as server technology and the web technologies used (databases, programming and scripting languages).

What is OnPage SEO - Website SEO Tutorial.

As a beginner in the field of search engine optimization, you should start with OnPage optimization, since you can stick to a certain plan that determines the approach. While offPage optimization - i.e active linkbuilding - can be ruined by novice errors (in the worst case, the entire website or parts of it will be deindexed), the OnPage optimization can not go so much, but you should pay attention to the Not to over-optimize the page and to provide search engines with a de-coding reason.

Topic: What is OnPage SEO - Website SEO Tutorial.

As already noted, there is in the on-page search engine optimization quite some guidelines by which you can judge you in the optimization.

In "SEO by the way" you get insights into all relevant areas of the OnPage SEO and find at the end of the book a complete checklist for OnPage measures, which can lead to ranking increases.

Topic: What is OnPage SEO - Website SEO Tutorial.

Nevertheless, the OnPage search engine optimization is a very extensive field and can only be mastered by trial and error. SEO professionals are happy to register an extra domain and conduct experiments and tests on this domain, in order not to compromise any major sites or even customer sites.

Especially when learning the off-page SEO it can happen that a domain after too many bad links or black hat SEO completely worn out and disappears for the next years in the Nirwana.

What is OnPage SEO ? What is OnPage SEO ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

September 24, 2018

By definition from textbooks, Wikipedia, and other sources, search engine optimization is the sum of actions that are used to increase the ranking of individual sites to be optimized in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) of popular search engines to specific search terms (keywords) .

Topic: What is SEO? - Website seo tutorial.

This definition sounds plausible at first and arouses the suspicion that most of the actions within an SEO campaign follow a certain pattern that can be easily learned. This is not quite true: OnPage optimization can indeed be seen as a kind of "pattern" for which a guide exists, but for the OffPage optimization and the associated link building, there are hardly any meaningful instructions, because here is above all one Thing that distinguishes a good SEO from a bad SEO: creativity.

Topic: What is SEO? - Website seo tutorial.

Recently, there has been a trend in the field of search engine optimization, which is increasingly a convergence of the two types of optimization, the so-called content marketing. Content marketing is actually only a new fashion term for a technique that has always been an integral part of the optimization in the SEO and today seems even more important than ever before due to panda and penguin updates: create good content by others Webmasters or bloggers.

Often, inexperienced SEOs or webmasters ask whether SEO is accepted at all by Google or whether Google rigorously removes all over-optimized pages from the index. Of course, Google removes over-optimized pages, since these often do not offer value for the search engine user, but are designed exclusively for optimization for crawlers (search engine bots). Google itself, however, wants that "good" SEO is operated , since optimized pages help the algorithm in the evaluation and categorization of websites and Google thereby facilitate the job.

Topic: What is SEO? - Website seo tutorial.

The subdivision of the search engine optimization in OnPage and OffPage factors has led to some SEOs specializing exclusively in OnPage optimizations and others only on link building. Although one can be successful with just one tactic, the best rankings, however, are usually obtained through a combination of the two techniques, which is why I am going to use both modes of optimization equally in this book. First, I'll explain below the different types of SEO.

Topic Overview

Onpage SEO

Offpage SEO

Content Marketing

Black-Hat SEO

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ? What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

OffPage SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-3)

September 24, 2018

The OffPage search engine optimization deals with the reputation of a website with Google and how high their reputation with the search engine is. In general, OffPage SEO is based on backlinks, because only through the evaluation of a link from one page to another as a recommendation could Google become the most popular search engine in the American and European area.

In the third part of our SEO tutorial, we will cover backlinks and their relevance to SEO, as well as learn more about social media in search engine optimization and about outbound links.

OffPage SEO for beginners

Backlinks - DoFollow and NoFollow

Since links can either be a recommendation for the reader or only unimportant margin notices, Google has introduced the nofollow attribute for links . Links that are marked with an appropriate attribute are not evaluated and there is no linkjuice from the linker to the linked page.

Nevertheless, no-followback links should not be neglected, because even if Google does not follow them, the target pages can be indexed by the crawler and if the traffic flow is correspondingly high, this can have a positive effect on the rankings of the target page.

The quality of backlinks

No link is like the other, because there are many factors that influence the quality of a link. The higher the quality of a link, the more positively it affects the reputation of the landing page on Google. Some quality features for links are as follows:

anchor text
Position of links within the content
Traffic flow
Number of outgoing links

While PageRank has become increasingly important for search engine optimization over time, other indicators have become much more important. Especially the traffic flow and the position of the link in the flow text of the site are now important quality features for links.

Link position, position and anchor text

Specifically, these three factors play a major role in weighting a link. The link age indicates how long the link already exists. Typically, Google needs several weeks to months to truly trust a link. Only then can its influence have a positive effect on the linked side.

The position of the link is also very important. While links from the footer of a page or the sidebar have little influence on how good the link is, a link from the flow text - ideally in the ideal case at the beginning of the text - is worth gold. In addition, the less outgoing links have a single page, the more Linkjuice flows over each link and the better the link ends.

The anchor texts, ie the linking text, give Google information about the topic of the linked content. In this way, you can control which keywords should target the landing page. A good mix of anchor texts is a prerequisite for a successful OffPage optimization.

OffPage SEO for beginners

How do I get good links?

In principle, it can be said: the easier a link is to get, the lower is the value of this link for OffPage SEO. Because of this, links from portals, which automate many links, such as industry books, web directories, social bookmarking services, etc., are hardly relevant for search engine optimization.

Also, Linkkauf or Linktausch should not be operated excessively: Google goes regularly against larger link-selling platforms and also frequent Linktausch is not liked.

However, there are some ways to get high-quality backlinks without much effort. Some of these are:

Guest contributions on related blogs
Free eBooks or Podcasts
Tutorials or tutorials

The targeted response of potential linkers can also work: If an article is on its own, which could offer a significant added value to the readers of another page, the site operator can be accessed via mail or social media.

Social Media for OffPage SEO

The influence of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Co. on the search engine optimization is very controversial, according to the official statement of Google so-called social signals , so important key figures such as Likes, shares, follower, etc. are overestimated.

OffPage SEO for beginners

Nevertheless, much attention and traffic can be generated via social media. Furthermore well-maintained social media profiles (and, of course, connected with the website) help to present their own brand as a recognizable brand. Google has long been attaching great importance to branding and familiar websites much more than unknown sites.

However, the most important function of social media for search engine optimization is the possibility of being able to network with other website operators. In this way, requests for interviews, guest articles and so forth can be created, and the attention is directed to one's own page, which increases the likelihood that a potential linker will notice its own content.

OffPage SEO for beginners

Why outbound links are important

Many website owners think that linking to other sites with DoFollow suffers its own reputation, because Linkjuice runs away. This is, however, doubly wrong, because first links to a natural link profile (which Google attaches a lot of importance) and secondly, Linkjuice does not flow, it is only passed on - so the link-giving page does not lose this.

OffPage SEO for beginners

By linking a page, Google also learns a lot about the content of the linker: Since a link is a recommendation to the reader, the linked page deals with a similar topic as the linking one, and Google can better classify the linker. Also, the anchor text of the link is noted and strengthens the understanding of the crawler for the own website.

OffPage SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-3) OffPage SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-3) Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

OnPage SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-2)

September 24, 2018

The OnPage optimization deals with all essential components of the search engine optimization, which are directly related to the website or in relation to the content design. Unlike technical SEO , the OnPage optimization is already at the level of website design.

OnPage SEO is part of an extensive SEO campaign, which is the prerequisite for a goal-oriented OffPage optimization, which is why OnPage SEO should be spent a lot of energy and time. Above all the processing of the content, in order to increase their usability, is a central component of the OnPage search engine optimization.

OnPage SEO for beginners

Choosing the right keywords

Modern search engine optimization sometimes no longer needs keywords, but the key words to which a website is to be found in the search results are very important. The choice of the right keywords to be optimized on the one side, therefore, is very important and the planning must already at the beginning of optimization are.

Ideally, keywords are sought which combine as much search volume as possible with the lowest possible competitive pressure . These two metrics can be easily learned from the Google AdWords Keyword Planner .

For Local SEO it is no longer important to include the name of the place or the region in the keyword lists, since Google can now reliably determine the position of the query and thus output appropriate local results. However, this can still be useful for competitive industries and search terms.

OnPage SEO for beginners

Use meta information correctly

The use of the meta-data (title, description and keywords) is still important today for the optimization of a website for search engines , even if the importance of the meta-tags for the evaluation of a website hardly plays a role. Much more, optimized meta-data provide for good user signals, which in turn can result in strong rankings.

The title should contain at least one keyword and no longer than 3 - 5 words. For shops or profitability-oriented web page, it is necessary to include a call for an action. For an online shop, this would be: "Buy xyz online now".

The meta description should not be longer than 120 characters , so as not to be cut off by Google in the SERPs. Although the cut-off limit is not for characters, but for pixels - 120 characters is a good guideline. The description should describe the corresponding page as precisely as possible, contain one or two keywords, and can also be an action request.

After many SEOs have abused the meta keywords strongly for search engine optimization, Google has lowered the influence of the keywords given here to 0. So you can save yourself the trouble we do not have to paste the keywords nowadays.

OnPage SEO for beginners

Internal linking

The internal linking of a web page is important because it allows you to control how much linkjuice you want to get a certain subpage. The more Linkjuice gets a bottom, the better this usually for the respective keywords. The more internal links lead to a page, the better for that particular bottom .

Good for the internal links are sidebars, footer and similar design elements. However, links from the flow text of a page still have the most meaning: If a certain page is to be pushed, it is advisable to link them more frequently from the flow text of other pages .

Especially for online shops the internal linking is important to distribute the linkjuice of incoming links to the important product pages. Link-siloing is recommended here : Category pages are internally linked and these link the linkjuice to the different product pages evenly, so that they are weighted higher.

OnPage SEO for beginners

Multimedial content

The use of images, videos, infographics and similar files is a high priority for Google. Content, which is explained by different media, is in the opinion of the Google algorithm very high-quality , which is why corresponding pages often rank well. So do not spare images and videos on your pages.

For the optimization of these files in particular - especially with regard to the Google picture search and the Google video search - it is important to attach as much information about the meta-data as possible to the embedded files , so that Google can evaluate these files and these the rankings of the page positively Support.

Also the content of the page is important for the thematic classification of an image or a video by Google. The search engine even scans videos for spoken keywords in order to sort the corresponding video thematically. You can find more information on the page SEO.

OnPage SEO for beginners

Issue: keyword density

The density of keywords, that is, the percentage of the flow of key data, was once one of the most important ranking factors at all. In the meantime, the usability of a text and the answering of questions plays an important role.

The keyword density (or keyword density) must not be over-optimized in the form of keyword stuffing. This means that websites that are massively inserting keywords into the text, although this degrades the readability of the text, is massively punished by Google and the rankings are sinking.

The best thing to do is to avoid the keyword density in your text. First and foremost, search engine optimization should optimize the page for the user - the search engines are then also satisfied by themselves . If a density of less than 1% still exists after the end of the text, it can still be improved.

OnPage SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-2) OnPage SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-2) Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

Technical SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-1)

September 24, 2018

The first part of our tutorial series on search engine optimization deals with the topic of technical SEO. While part 2 and part 3 deal with content in the form of OnPage optimizations and reputation management in the OffPage area, the first part deals with technical questions and problems with the optimization of a website - both for Google and for the user.

The fact that the technical search engine optimization is the first part of our tutorial has a certain reason: Many factors that start with the technical SEO start already before the other optimization measures, partly already with the registration of the domain or the configuration of the content management system.

Technical SEO for beginners

Select the correct domain

The domain name was once a very important factor for weighting a page in the Google search results. Over time, however, Google has become more and more aware of the more reliable factors that allow the quality of a page and its content, so the domain name has little influence on the ranking.

Nevertheless, the domain name should be chosen in such a way that it already represents a brand name or a brand name, or that it informs the search engine used on the results page which topic the website is addressing. In this way, you can increase the click-through rate resulting in better user signals leads and can also positively influence the rankings of your website.

The choice of the top-level domain also plays a very minor role in search engine optimization. Although country-specific top-level domains (TLDs) have small advantages in the respective countries, they are so small that, in principle, any Top Level Domain that is available can be chosen. NTLDs, ie new top-level domains, such as .berlin, .hamburg or .xyz, can also be selected without this having a negative effect on the ranking of a website.

Technical SEO for beginners

Web hosting provider and server location

Choosing the right web host is difficult, because it has to be a middle way of price/performance ratio and server performance/equipment to be found. With one of the major providers such as Strato, 1 & 1, All-Inclusive. Or a comparable host, you do not have anything wrong in the beginning, but there are also differences in the quality of service and other factors.

Even if the Internet connections are getting faster and the following factor is hardly important for large pages, the server location of the Webhoster should be Germany or the country by the main page. This primarily has performance advantages, as no long lines have to be crossed if, for example, the content is delivered from a server in the US to the user to Germany.

Technical SEO for beginners

HTML or CMS website?

Basically, it does not matter whether a page is based on HTML or a content management system like WordPress, Drupal, Typo3 or another software. For dynamic websites like blogs, magazines or online shops, content management systems (also known as CMS) are quite suitable, since content can be imported very easily and no HTML or CSS knowledge is required.

Pure HTML pages, on the other hand, have the great advantage that they can be loaded very much by visitors , since no queries have to be made to a database and no scripts have to perform any functions on the server. For simple company pages or static "business cards in the network", HTML pages are excellent.

Technical SEO for beginners

PageSpeed and mobile friendliness

When creating your website, it is important that you keep in mind the website speed (page speed) and the adaptability of the finished page to mobile devices (mobile-friendly). These two factors have become more and more important for Google Ranking criteria and in the past. These factors will continue to play a major role in the future.

The PageSpeed is particularly important in today's world, where many users access mobile sites through websites. Mobile Internet is often not very fast and the limited data volume of most tariffs makes further demands on the performance of a website. Important optimization points for the PageSpeed are for example:

Reduce server requests (requests)
Caching (eg via PlugIns)
Compress images (See: Images SEO)
CSS and JavaScript files

The mobile-friendly update has also become more important thanks to Google's mobile friendly update. As many sites already account for more than half of their traffic via mobile devices, Google gives websites with a strong mobile version a ranking advantage. When selecting the CMS-Themes you should pay attention to responsiveness.

Whether your website has a good PageSpeed value or is mobile-friendly to Google's perception is easy to find, because Google provides two services: the PageSpeed Insights and the test for mobile friendliness.

Technical SEO for beginners

Robots.txt, and .htaccess file

Two files, which should be located in the root directory of the website server, are very important for technical SEO: The Robots.txt file and the .htaccess file.

Especially the Robots.txt file is important because it determines the handling of crawlers with your site. Crawlers are computer programs that are initialized by a search engine operator to discover sites and include them in the search engine index. With the help of the Robots.txt file, you share a crawler with important information about your site.

It can prevent the reading of certain files by the crawler, such as the GTC or an internal member area. Under no circumstances should media files such as images, JavaScript, or CSS be blocked when they are required to render a bottom. If Google can not render a page, it will depreciate it . A Robots.txt file might look like this:

These instructions tell you that all crawlers should be addressed (user agent: *). The second line is followed by the statement that the / wp-admin / folder is not indexed because it is reserved for administration areas at WordPress. All other directories are then allowed. In the last line, we tell the crawler the URL of our sitemap .

Technical SEO for beginners

The .htaccess file (for Apache Webserver) serves the search engine optimization , because this file can be used to switch forwarding of no longer existing subpages. If a page is deleted, Linkjuice, which points to this page, is missing, because Google does not have any links that flow into nothing at all. Redirects can be implemented as follows:

RedirectPermanent /alte-index.html

First, the command "RedirectPermanent" is entered into the line and then, separated by a space, first the old URL and then the new one. You can switch as many redirects as you want - for each redirect, simply specify a new line with a new Redirect command . Absolute paths (ie with http: // at the beginning) can also be entered.

Technical SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-1) Technical SEO For Beginners (Tutorial-1) Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

Website SEO Tutorial Introduction

September 24, 2018

In this Website SEO Tutorial, you will find lessons in the field of search engine optimization on the topics of technical SEO, OnPage SEO, OffPage SEO and Local SEO. With the help of our tutorial, you get a quick insight into the world of optimization of websites for search engines. 

Start now with Part 1 - Technical SEO and learn more about the search engine optimization. 


Part 1: Technical SEO
Part 2: OnPage Optimization
Part 3: OffPage optimization

What is SEO?

Website SEO Tutorial - Introduction. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a synonym for all activities that are used to improve the ranking of a website for one or more specific keywords in Google search. SEO is divided into several individual disciplines: OnPage optimization, OffPage optimization, technical SEO, content marketing and more. 

Above all, the OffPage optimization, ie the establishment of high-quality backlinks and other measures, which should increase the reputation or the reputation of the website on Google, are subject to constant changes. This is mainly due to regular changes to the Google algorithm. 

For this and other reasons, it is important to keep up-to-date on the latest news, trends and techniques from the search engine optimization. Our Website SEO tutorial shows you the basics and the most important topics from the search engine optimization. Learn how to optimize your own sites and increase your rankings in the search results of Google, Bing & Yahoo. 

Website SEO Tutorial - Introduction. After successfully completing our SEO tutorial, you will be able to make the right decisions with regard to search engine optimization and have the necessary basic knowledge to acquire additional SEO knowledge. Through the regular reading of blogs and magazines around the topic of SEO and online marketing you deepen your knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

Website SEO Tutorial Introduction Website SEO Tutorial Introduction Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

8 Most Effective Games and Apps to Learn to Type Fast

September 21, 2018

Computers and cell phones have become an integrated tool in our professional and personal lives that the original methods of using pen and paper may not be so common anymore.

Although our old-school methods of note taking may not have entirely left us, technology is advancing with no intention of slowing down; iPads are moving into service industries, video calls are taking the place of in-person interviews, and store receipts are making its way into our email inbox – all of which requires the skill of typing.

Learning a new skill doesn’t have to be boring and never had to be. Thankfully, there are effective games and apps that can help you learn to type fast with swift precision and accuracy.

For Beginners

1. Speed Typing Online

What’s more fun than to type to the story of Alice in Wonderland or the lyrics to “Hey Jude”? Speed Typing Online is an online typing game that allows you to dive into the creative and familiar world of famous books, fables, songs, and even hone your skills in data entry.

The bright blue frame holds the text, which then turns green after punching in the accurate keystrokes. After the end of the personal timer, a statistics page appears to show you your typed words per minute, accuracy, correct and incorrect entries, and error rate.

2. Typing Trainer

Typing Traineris another online platform suited for beginner typists looking for step-by-step lessons. Learning the keys on a keyboard can confusing especially for those who aren’t as familiar or getting adjusted to typing on a computer keyboard.

Typing Trainer has a collection of step-by-step tutorials that covers everything from sentence drills, introduction to new keys as the lessons progress, and skills test. The Typing Trainer specifically highlights unique features in each lesson including a warm-up section where the user begin to build muscle memory and learn to type without looking at the keyboard.

The website is also programed to identify difficulties the user is facing when typing specific words or sentences.

3. TapTyping – Typing Trainer

There is the feeling of physically typing on a keyboard and then there’s the feeling of typing on a touch screen mobile device.

Since the use of cell phones has become closely integrated into our everyday lives, learning to type on a mobile is much of a skillset as it is to type on a computer. The mobile typing app, TapTyping – Typing Trainer, allows users to practice while on-the-go making it perfect for commuters who want to practice typing during their down time.

The app allows you to challenge other typists around the world with TapTyping’s global leaderboard and test your skills by taking advanced lessons. There’s always room for improvement and with the app, you’ll be able to find your mistakes by watching a heat map of your finger strokes.

For professional writers and programmers

4. The Most Dangerous Writing App

Suitable for writers facing a creative block or on a tight-deadline, the Most Dangerous Writing App is a website that forces your fingers to type as quickly as your ideas.

If you stop longer than 5 seconds, everything you had written will slowly disappear from the screen.

Sessions are timed from 3 minutes to 20 minutes, or can go from 75 to 1667 words. This online app is perfect to brain dump ideas, write a chapter of a manuscript you’ve been stuck on, or help with procrastination.

If you’re up to the challenge, try the hardcore mode – an alternative option where a single letter appears on the screen at a time. This level prevents you from seeing the entire word, sentences, or even correct any spelling or grammatical mistakes until the timer is complete.

If you’re wondering, copying and pasting is not an option until each the end of each session.

5. The Typing Cat

Looking to upgrade your typing skills? Also working as a personal tutor, the Typing Cathas a list of regular typing courses with the option to try other lessons with more complexity such as HTML. Learning to type code is a another valulable skillset worth adding.

Even with disregarded interest in the coding world, using the code course enhances your typing skills and allows your fingers to familiarize itself with uncommon word combinations and placement of punctuations on a keyboard.

The coding course can be difficult even for typing whizzes, but it’s all a part of muscle memory. According Psychology Today,[1] only a handful of people actually learn how to type by looking at an actual keyboard, while a majority of the population locate specific keys intuitively through muscle memory.

Available courses include EcmaScript 6, HTML 5, and CSS 3.

Fun typing games

6. ZType — Space Invaders Meet Webster

Remember playing the iconic 70’s game that allowed you to shoot tiny purple and green aliens from one end of the screen to the other with a two-bullet laser? It’s hard to believe that Space Invaders just turned 40 , but you can still get the same adrenaline rush with ZType, a typing game with the same shooting concept.

Ztype works in waves – stages that must be cleared but instead of aliens, you must type out the words before the missiles destroy your ship at the bottom of the screen. Every so often, longer and mor complex words would appear and if the words are not typed in the allotted time, a series of letters will disperse like missles.

The game is quick on the fingers and will still have your heart pumping until the very end.

7. Epistory – Typing Chronicles

Although this game does cost money to purchase, it is worth the investment if you’re looking for a refreshing and alternative mode to learning how to type fast.

Epistory – Typing Chronicles is a role-playing action and adventure game of a young girl riding a fox in a magical and fictional realm; together they combat enemies in the shapes and forms of words.

Once you’re starterted, you almost forget you’re playing a typing game. The paper craft art aesthetics of the game has you captivated by the vibrant colors and character’s storyline, while having you build your typing skills.

8. Daily Quote Typing

Need some inspiration? Say no more.

Daily Quote Typing is one of many gammes available on – a website that offers a variety of typing games ranging from different levels based on your experience.

With Daily Quote Typing, users are able to type out inspirational quotes by famous leaders, inventors, and innovators such as Mark Twain and Albert Einstein.

8 Most Effective Games and Apps to Learn to Type Fast 8 Most Effective Games and Apps to Learn to Type Fast Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 21, 2018 Rating: 5

Redmi 6A, Honor 7s and Honor play flash sale

September 20, 2018

Redmi 6A has a 5.45-inch full-screen HD+ display. It is power by 12nm Helio A22 Quad-core processor and runs on MIUI 9 base on oreo 8.1. The device has 2GB RAM + 16GB storage and expandable up to 256GB via microSD. It has a 13MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. It is fuel by 3000mAh battery. The device also supports face unlock feature. Redmi 6A is priced at Rs 5999/-.

Third party image reference

Honor 7S has a 5.45-inch full-screen HD+ display. It is power by MediaTek MT6739 Cortex A53 Processor and runs Android Oreo 8.1. The device has 2GB RAM + 16GB storage and expandable up to 256GB via dedicated microSD slot. It has a 13MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. It is fuel by 3020mAh battery. Honor 7S is priced at Rs 5999/-.

Third party image reference

Honor play has a 6.3-inch FHD+ FullView display. It is power by Kirin 970 AI Chipset and runs EMUI 8.2 based on Android Oreo 8.1. The device has 4GB of RAM + 64GB of storage and expandable up to 256GB via dedicated microSD slot. It has a 16MP+ 2MP dual rear camera and 16MP front camera. It is fuel by 3750mAh battery. Honor play is priced at Rs 19,999/-.

Redmi 6A, Honor 7s and Honor play flash sale Redmi 6A, Honor 7s and Honor play flash sale Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 20, 2018 Rating: 5

Create New User in Window's 10 Without Microsoft Account

September 10, 2018

Today in this Article we are Going to Learn About How You can Create a Account in Window's 10 Without Microsoft Account for Child or Someone else, Its Really Annoying When You Try To Create an User Account Window's 10 and It's Ask's You Your Microsoft Account Details In Order To Open An Account In Computer:-

Once you create a password for a local account, don't forget it—there is no way to recover a lost password for local accounts.

Note: To help keep your personal data and info more secure, I recommend adding a password when creating a local account.

On Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Professional editions:

Select the Start  button, then select Settings  

TIP:-Press Windows+I to bring up the Settings app, and then click “Accounts.”

First, you’ll need to access your user account settings.

Note that in Windows 10, that this is a separate beast from the “User Accounts” Control Panel entry.

On the Accounts page, switch to the “Family & other people” tab, and then click the “Add someone else to this PC” button. You may be tempted by the “Add a family member” button, but that feature requires setting up an online Microsoft account.

In the Microsoft Account window that pops up, you’ll be steered toward creating an online Microsoft account. Ignore the prompt to provide an email or phone number. Instead click the “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information” link at the bottom.

On the next page, Windows will suggest that you create an online account. Again, ignore all this and click the “Add a user without a Microsoft account” link at the bottom.

If you’ve created new accounts in Windows 7 and previous versions, the next screen will look familiar to you. Type a username, password, and password hint, and then click “Next.”

After clicking “Next”, you’re kicked back to the Accounts screen you saw earlier, but your new user account should now be listed. The first time someone signs in using the account, Windows will create user folders and finish setting things up.

By default your local user account is set as a limited account, meaning it cannot install applications or make administrative changes to the machine. If you have a compelling reason to change the account type to an administrator account you can click on the account entry, select “Change account type,” and then switch it from limited to administrative. Again, unless you have a real need to set up an administrative account, leave it in the much safer limited mode.

Thank You,

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Create New User in Window's 10 Without Microsoft Account Create New User in Window's 10 Without Microsoft Account Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Vivo V11 Pro's Powerful 5 Factors for Oppo F9 Pro

September 10, 2018

New Delhi (Tech Desk) Vivo has launched a V11 Pro mid-range smartphone in India. There are several specialties in this phone. These include the design of the phone, the in-display fingerprint sensor, the Halo flower display display and the internal hardware. This phone will be directly competing with Oppo F9 Pro in the Indian market. Let us know that both of these phones are all-brands of BBK Electronics. At the same time, there is very little margin difference between these two phones. Here we are going to give you information about V11 Pro's 5 features which make it better with Oppo F9 Pro.

1) In-display fingerprint scanner:

In the smartphone market, there is only Viva that is providing in-display fingerprint scanner smartphones. Vivo V11 Pro is the third smartphone in the company, in which this technology has been given. In addition to this phone, this technology has been given in Vivo X21 and Vivo Nex too. At the same time, if talk about its competitors, Oppo F9 Pro has a rear-mounted physical biometric scanner.

This phone features 6.41 inch Halo fullview FHD + Super Amoled display. It has been introduced with 3D Curved design. Its bejels are 1.6 mm. Its aspect ratio is 19.5: 9. Plus its screen-to-body ratio is 91.27%. Let them know who does not know that the Amoled Screen gives better colors and deep black experience. In this segment, talk about equality in Oppo F9 Pro and Vivo V11 Pro, the Halo fullview display has been given.

3) Qualcomm snapdragon 660 AIE:

Oppo F9 Pro was introduced with the MediaTek Helio P60 processor. On the other hand, talk about Vivo V11 Pro, it comes with Qualcomm's mid-range chipset Snapdragon 660 processor. The phone offers a variety of Artificial Intelligence based features along with this processor. This processor has been paired with 6 GB RAM.

4) Better dual rear camera:

The V11 Pro smartphone in this segment is better than Oppo F9 Pro. Because this phone has rear cameras with dual pixel technology. Its primary sensor is 12 megapixels. The second sensor is of 5 megapixels. Its primary sensor works on dual pixel technology. Also, better photos can be captured in low light. Talking about the front sensor, the phone has a 25-megapixel AI camera. With its front camera features like AI Face Shaping Feature, AI Self Lightning Mode. Face Unlock feature is also provided in the phone.

5) Design:

Oppo F9 Pro is great looking. This suggests that Oppo is focusing more on the design of its phones. Speaking of Vivo V11 Pro, the back panel of the phone is made of glass. The phone has been introduced in Stary Night and Dazzling Gold Color variants.

Vivo V11 Pro's Powerful 5 Factors for Oppo F9 Pro Vivo V11 Pro's Powerful 5 Factors for Oppo F9 Pro Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 10, 2018 Rating: 5

JioPhone now at Rs 1,275 on Tata CLiQ

September 10, 2018

The Reliance JioPhone is now listed on Tata CLiQ for Rs 1,500. But if you have an ICICI bank credit or debit card, then you can avail a discount of 15 percent of up to Rs 300 on the Jio Phone.However, the offer will not be applied automatically, to avail the offer you need to use the coupon code "ICICIWEEKEND" at the time of payment.

credit: newmsinute

Moreover, if you have an old feature phone and you don't want it, then you can exchange the phone under the Monsoon Hungama offer. While exchanging your old feature phone for the Jio Phone, you can get the phone for Rs 501. Meanwhile, the company hasn't announced any exchange offer for the Jio Phone 2.

credit: newmsinute

Just to recall, the JioPhone comes with a 2.4-inch QVGA display with the resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. Under the hood, the feature phone is powered by a 1.1GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 205 SoC, clubbed with an Adreno 304 GPU. The phone is backed by a 512GB RAM and 4GB of onboard storage, which you can expand up to 128GB via microSD card.

credit: newmsinute

In terms of camera specs, the Jio Phone comes with a 2-megapixel rear camera support with a 0.3-megapixel VGA front-facing camera. On the connectivity part, the feature phone offers Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 Low Energy, NFC, and 4G VoLTE. It also packs FM radio, a 3.5mm headphone jack, as well as Torch Light.

JioPhone now at Rs 1,275 on Tata CLiQ JioPhone now at Rs 1,275 on Tata CLiQ Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Jio Phone 2 Price and Specification

September 10, 2018

Jio Phone will be available for the third time in India today .The flash sale will be conducted on the website and it will begin at 12pm.

Jio Phone 2 is priced in India at Rs. 2,999. For this device, buyers can choose between three recharges for the 4G feature phone, priced at Rs. 49, Rs. 99 and Rs. 153.


Runs on Kai Os2.4 inch QVGA display512mb of RAM4gb Internal storage2mp rear camera and VGA front camera2000 mAh battery4g Volte supportVoWi-Fi, Bluetooth,GPS, NFC, and FM radiosupport Google Assistant

Jio Phone 2 Price and Specification Jio Phone 2 Price and Specification Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 10, 2018 Rating: 5

PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship India: How to register, top awards and more

September 10, 2018

The most popular smartphone game, will soon have its biggest eSports championship in India with total prize pool of Rs 50 lakhs. Tencent Games in partnership with Oppo will host the ‘PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship 2018’ from September 26 to October 21 with the finals taking place in Bengaluru.

Registrations for the PUBG championship starts today and it will go on till September 21. Interested users can register on to create their own squad. Those who register will automatically be the squad captain.

Note that this championship is only for college students. Also, you will need a PUBG account before registering. PUBG Mobile is available on iOS and Android.

How to register 
First step is to fill personal details like user name, email, mobile number, college ID and more.

Create your own PUBG squad by adding three more members.

Check-in on the website from September 22 to qualify for the online championship.

After the registration, players will need to check-in on the website between September 22 and September 23.

Only the first 10,000 teams that check-in will qualify for the online championship which will take place between September 26 and October 5. The grand finale will take place on October 20 and October 21 in Bengaluru.

The winning squad will get Rs 15 lakhs, while second and third placed squads will get Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 3 lakhs respectively. The tenth placed squad will also get a cash prize of Rs 50,000. Participants can also win Oppo smartphones, and miscellaneous categories worth Rs 3 lakhs. There are team allowances too worth Rs 4 lakhs.

Tencent Games will livestream the online qualifiers of PUBG Mobile Campus Championship on social media platforms. This championship is expected to feature participants from over 1000 colleges across India. PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship will consist of four knockout rounds and after the semi-finals, 20 teams will be shortlisted for the final.

Special awards 
There will also be a total of six special awards for different achievements. ‘MVP’ will be awarded to the best player with the highest number of MVP awards. The player with maximum kills will get ‘The Executioner’ award, while ‘The Medic’ award will be for the player with the highest number of revivers.

‘The Redeemer’ award goes to the player who restores the highest amount of health. The maximum number of kills by a player will get ‘The Rampage Freak’ award. Lastly, ‘The Lone Ranger’ award for the player who wanders alone and has the longest survival time in game.

PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship India: How to register, top awards and more PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship India: How to register, top awards and more Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Reliance Jio Celebrations Pack: How to get free 2GB daily data

September 10, 2018

Reliance Jio this month completed two years in the Indian telecom space. To mark the occasion, Reliance Jio has introduced a special “Jio Celebrations Pack” under which it is offering 2GB free data daily to its users. The scheme is available until September 11.

Reliance Jio users can avail the pack via MyJio application under My Plans category, TelecomTalk. The operator is expected to roll out same free data benefits to its prepaid users next month as well. According to the website, the free data scheme is valid up to four days.

According to, Jio is two vouchers of 8GB of data (2GB of free data for four days). The first voucher will be credited this month, by September 20. The second voucher will be available in October.

The latest free data plan comes shortly after Reliance Jio rolled out another scheme under which it is offering 1GB of free 4G data on buying Daily Milk chocolate. The scheme is also available for other Dairy Milk chocolates like Dairy Milk Crackle and Dairy Milk Roast Almond among others, to GadgetsNDTV.

Reliance Jio 2nd anniversary 
Since its foray into the commercial telecom market in 2016, Jio has become India’s one of the largest telecom operators. It claims to have over 200 million wireless data subscribers. In the second quarter of this year, Jio said it saw 642 crore GB data consumption with an average of 10.6 GB per user per month. Its network registered 744 minutes of voice calls per month per subscriber totalling to 44,871 crore minutes of VOLTE traffic.

Reliance Jio earlier this year entered India’s broadband space with . The company claims to deliver up to 1Gbps of internet speed. Registrations for the same have already begun. Currently, it’s running a under which it is offering up to 100Mbps for 90 days along with a monthly data quota of 100 GB.

Reliance Jio Celebrations Pack: How to get free 2GB daily data Reliance Jio Celebrations Pack: How to get free 2GB daily data Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 10, 2018 Rating: 5
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