What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

By definition from textbooks, Wikipedia, and other sources, search engine optimization is the sum of actions that are used to increase the ranking of individual sites to be optimized in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) of popular search engines to specific search terms (keywords) .

Topic: What is SEO? - Website seo tutorial.

This definition sounds plausible at first and arouses the suspicion that most of the actions within an SEO campaign follow a certain pattern that can be easily learned. This is not quite true: OnPage optimization can indeed be seen as a kind of "pattern" for which a guide exists, but for the OffPage optimization and the associated link building, there are hardly any meaningful instructions, because here is above all one Thing that distinguishes a good SEO from a bad SEO: creativity.

Topic: What is SEO? - Website seo tutorial.

Recently, there has been a trend in the field of search engine optimization, which is increasingly a convergence of the two types of optimization, the so-called content marketing. Content marketing is actually only a new fashion term for a technique that has always been an integral part of the optimization in the SEO and today seems even more important than ever before due to panda and penguin updates: create good content by others Webmasters or bloggers.

Often, inexperienced SEOs or webmasters ask whether SEO is accepted at all by Google or whether Google rigorously removes all over-optimized pages from the index. Of course, Google removes over-optimized pages, since these often do not offer value for the search engine user, but are designed exclusively for optimization for crawlers (search engine bots). Google itself, however, wants that "good" SEO is operated , since optimized pages help the algorithm in the evaluation and categorization of websites and Google thereby facilitate the job.

Topic: What is SEO? - Website seo tutorial.

The subdivision of the search engine optimization in OnPage and OffPage factors has led to some SEOs specializing exclusively in OnPage optimizations and others only on link building. Although one can be successful with just one tactic, the best rankings, however, are usually obtained through a combination of the two techniques, which is why I am going to use both modes of optimization equally in this book. First, I'll explain below the different types of SEO.

Topic Overview

Onpage SEO

Offpage SEO

Content Marketing

Black-Hat SEO

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ? What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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