What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Explained Simply

SEO means search engine optimization SEO's work is to optimize the website to search engines. SEO is a technique, so that we can do all this.

Designing and developing a website that will rank well in its search engine results.

Improve the quality and volume of website traffic on search engines.

Understand how Algorithms work and log what you can search and marketing on this base.

SEO is a subset of search engine marketing. SEO means we also have SEO copyrighting, because the maximum techniques search engines use text only to promote sites.

If you want to learn basic SEO, then you need to understand how search engines work.

How Search Engine Works?

Search engines perform a lot of activities so they can deliver search results.

Crawling - To fetch any pages that are on a website is called "crawling". This work does a software, called crawler or spider (Googlebot, in case of Google).

Indexing - Process to create an index of all webpages and store it as a database is called "Indexing". The main task of indexing is to use words and expressions which can be described in page best way.

Processing - When a search request arrives, and the search engine finds it in its database, this process is called "processing".

Relevancy Calculate - Every single page has a string that calculates the number of times the search has been done, and its relevancy displays the search engines.

Displaying Results - This is the last step of the search engine activities. The best result of searched keywords is shown in it. Basically, these results are the process of displaying in browsers.

Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! Many times we change our relevancy algorithm in every month. When you see the change in your ranking, this is due to the algorithmic shift, which is outside of your control.

Normally the basic principal of all search engines is same, but a slight difference is only in their relevancy algorithms, which results in a huge change in results.

What is SEO Copywriting?

SEO Copywriting is a technique that allows the content of the website to be converted so that users can easily read it. It also helps search engines rank in pages.

In addition to text, SEO Copywriting site offers other content such as Title, Description, Keywords tags, headings, and alternate text also become viewable.

The main aim of SEO copyrighting is to show the results of search engines perfect results. If there are genuine content pages and useless pages, called "doorway pages", which are designed only to achieve higher rankings, can be avoided. .

What is Search Engine Rank?

Whenever you search any word on the search engine, you get thousands of results. The search terms are ranked according to the tendency. The sites that are in the top of your result show them rank, i.e. the first site has a rank of 1 and as you progress, the ranking will increase.

SEO is a process that allows websites to get high rank in search engine results with the help of designing and developing.

What is On-Site, On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

There are 3 ways to Search Engine Optimization:

On-Site SEO - In this, the crawling and indexing part of your blog comes in, what type of site SEO spider will look, and your website's internal SEO structure you can do on-site SEO.

On-Page SEO - Good content, Use good keywords, Use keywords correctly, Give title to every page correctly, etc. it happens.

Off-Page SEO - link building, link popularity enhance, open directories submit, search engines, link exchange, etc. it happens.

Search Engine Optimization Techniques

There are two categories of SEO techniques:

White Hat SEO - Techniques that believe and optimize search engines good design.

Black Hat SEO - Techniques that do not approve search engines and also reduce impact. They are also called spamdexing.

White Hat SEO

A SEO tactic is considered as a white hat SEO if it has these features:

It follows the guidelines of the search engine.

There is no deception in it.

This is included in the search engine indexes, and is helpful for the user.

It ensures that the contents of the webpage are for users, not just for search engines.

This ensures good quality of web pages.

This ensures the availability of useful content in these web pages.

Always follow a white hat SEO tactic and do not try to fool your site visitors. Be honest and you will definitely get success.

Black Hat or Spamdexing

An SEO tactic is considered as a Black Hat or Spamdexing if it has these features:

Trying to get rank improvements that have not been approved by search engines.

Redirect users from one page to another page which is not human friendly for search engines.

Redirecting users to a page which is different from us page, which was rank by search engine. A version of any page serving search engine spiders / bots and second version to human visitors. This is called cloaking search engine optimization tactic.

Use hidden or invisible text in the background color of the page, using tiny font size and hiding it inside the HTML code.

Many times, repeat the same keyword in meta tags, and use keywords that are not related to the website content. This is called meta tag stuffing.

Try to increase the keyword count, variety, and density of the page incorrectly. This is called keyword stuffing.

Create low-quality web pages that contain very little content and same keywords have been repeat. In pages are called Doorway or Gateway Pages.

Host multiple websites with the help of mirror websites - which have similar content but different URLs have been used.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Explained Simply What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Explained Simply Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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