Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.?

 The domain name and the choice of the right top-level domain (eg .de, .com or .info) are very important for search engine optimization. While keywords in the domain name are far from the same as they were a few years ago, a lot can be achieved by the reasonable choice of domain name and TLD, especially because you can communicate the site visitor in this way very easily Website, which topic is treated or in which language your page is written.

Topic: Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.

In particular, so-called "Exact Match Domains" are often selected for niche sites, ie websites that are created solely for the purpose of generating revenue via advertising and affiliate programs, as the operators expect a better chance of higher positions. In principle, it is not bad if targeted keywords such as "buy books" or "clothing online order" appear in the domain name, but these EMDs have hardly any effect on the rankings and a strong fire, a fictitious name for a company or an Organization, is now very important in the field of online marketing.

Topic: Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.

Which domain name you choose ultimately, is left entirely to you, as you should add important keywords in the page structure (later more), than in the domain. Exact match domains are often already configured or parked and no EMDs without backlink profile is worth more than 100 euros.

If you do not find a suitable domain name, simply think about a nice brand name that is as memorable as possible and leads you through this brand linkbuilding - in this way you reach much more than with an Exact Match domain and without link building.

Topic: Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.

The choice of the right top-level domain (TLD), i.e the domain ending, can have a bigger influence on the rankings of a website than the domain name. As a rule, country-specific domains such as .de or .it are better positioned in the respective countries than the same domain names with different endings.

Even if this effect can easily be ironed out by other optimization measures, one should nevertheless choose the right Top Level Domain for a web presence. If the website is for an international company, .com is a good place to start. If the company operates mainly in Europe, you can choose .eu.

Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.? Domain name and TLD - Website SEO Tutorial.? Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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