SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

The abbreviation URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and identifies a unique path to a resource within a particular protocol; The http protocol uses URLs to access files and Web sites that reside on a Web server. Within a URL are the domain name, the top-level domain, directories and files.

Topic: SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

It is important when choosing the URL structure that you use so-called "speaking" URLs, that is, path names that tell the user where they are. These might look like this:

The domain name "HiFiPost" and the top-level domain ".tk" should be clear, followed by the category page called "SEO". Within the category directory there are two folders for year and month, after which the file is output.

In this way, you can specify important keywords for the crawler while keeping open your visitors. In doing so, URLs should be as short as possible and as long as necessary.

Topic: SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial

Google usually attaches more trust to websites when the content is already visible in the URL. This is absolutely understandable because the URL is the first thing the crawler gets to see from a new page and the more information it can draw from it, the better.

Topic: SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial.

WordPress and other content management systems often have no speaking URLs as the default setting. If possible, you should configure this at the beginning of the website design, since internal links and backlinks can be lost if you change the structure later.

SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial. SEO-friendly URLs - Website SEO Tutorial. Reviewed by Akash Sharma on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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